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Help the Mansfield Tiger Band!​


Help us build a great music program for your kids!  Our school district provides the instructor, space, and basic equipment for a music program, but we have to raise the money for nearly everything else. Funds are needed for music purchase, instrument repairs and maintenance, uniform purchase and alterations, competition fees, clinicians, travel expenses, trailer expenses, etc. The Mansfield High School Tiger Band Boosters is a State of Texas 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and all donations to the band program are tax-deductible. Please feel free to contact any board member to discuss donations.

2024/2025 MHS Band Boosters Board Officers

President: Kristina Holmes

1st Vice President Fundraising: Amy Kunas
2nd Vice President Volunteers: Kerrie Jones
3rd Vice President Operations: Calvin Dennis
4th Vice President Events: Christina Wiegand

5th Vice President Guard: Beth Fortner
6th Vice President Communications: Angela Herring
Secretary: Uvonna Alexander
Treasurer: Shannon Wood
Assistant Treasurer: Lindsey Cadenhead
Parliamentarian: Joe Salinas
Member at Large: Briana Griffith

Member-at-Large: Kristie Butler
Ex-officio Member: Brenda McMullan

Website: Greg Stone

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